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Beneficiaries & Volunteers


The Martha's Vineyard 20 Miler & Amity Island Relay will benefit several island youth programs. Proceeds from your registration fee will be distributed among these programs to help offset expenditures and rising costs of operation.


It takes a lot of people-power to pull off such a great event like the MV20.  Luckily there are so many great people, youth organizations & sports teams on the Island, who collaborate for this event, helping to meet the race's volunteer needs. In return for their efforts, each participating organization & team receives a share of the event proceeds.


If you are affiliated with, or would like to help any of the organizations or teams listed below, please contact them directly to register as a volunteer.

Road Marshals, Start Line & BIB Pick-up (11:00AM-4:30PM)

Oak Bluffs School, Oak Bluffs


MV Running Company

Contact: Megan McDonald & Reaan Steenkamp

Runner Bag Check & Claim

SSA Terminal, VH (9:15AM-10:45AM)

Oak Bluffs School, Oak Bluffs (11:00AM-4:00PM)


Martha's Vineyard Regional High School

Track & Field / Cross Country Teams

Aid Station #1 - Mile 2 (10:45AM-11:30PM*)

East Chop Drive, Oak Bluffs


Edgartown 7th Graders

Aid Station #2 - Mile 4 (11:00AM-12:00PM*)

Island Queen Dock, Oak Bluffs


Martha's Vineyard Skating Club

Aid Station #3 - Mile 5.5 (11:05AM-12:15PM*)

Seaview Ave, Oak Bluffs


Martha's Vineyard Regional High School

Football Team / MV Touchdown Club

Aid Station #4 - Mile 8 (11:20AM-12:45PM*)

The Big Bridge, Beach Road, Oak Bluffs


Martha's Vineyard Youth Hockey
Mariner's Hockey Team

Aid Station #5 - Mile 10 (11:30AM-1:10PM*)

Upper Main Street, Edgartown

Edgartown 8th Grade

Amity Island Running Club

Relay Exchange Area

Aid Station #6 - Mile 12.5 (11:45AM-2:00PM*)

West Tisbury Road, Edgartown


Martha's Vineyard Youth Lacrosse

Aid Station #7 - Mile 15 (11:50AM-2:30PM*)

Airport Business Park, Edgartown


Martha's Vineyard Youth Lacrosse

Aid Station #8 - Mile 17.5 (12:15PM-2:45PM*)

MV Regional High School, Oak Bluffs


Martha's Vineyard Youth Hockey
Mariner's Hockey Team

Aid Station #9 - Mile 19 (12:15PM-3:00PM*)

County Road, Oak Bluffs


West Tisbury 8th Grades

Post Race Party & Awards (11:00AM-4:30PM)

Oak Bluffs School, Oak Bluffs


Oak Bluffs 8th Grade

*Volunteer reporting times are set to give each station approx. 20 minutes to prep before the 1st runners arrive. The end time is approx. when the last runner will pass through. A sweep vehicle will follow the final runner, letting aid station know that their mission has been completed.

Want to volunteer? You are more than welcome to join the fun!


To be placed where your help is needed most, please send an email to
Your help is greatly appreciated by the runners and beneficiaries.


If you are interested in becoming a part of the MV 20 Miler Race Committee please email the Race Director at

We look forward to working with our sponsors this year to make this a successful race!

More Questions?

Contact Martha's Vineyard Running Company for answers.

Or fill out the form below to submit via email.


A point-to-point race that starts directly in front of the Steamship Authority Vineyard Haven terminal.


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